God loves the people of the world; we have been called to do the same. By partnering with others who share our faith, we are able to serve our local and international communities. Our church financially supports the work of many ministries, and some of our members also volunteer their time and skills.
International MissionsTrue to its name, World Renew works internationally to build renewal into the world, in Jesus' name. Their ministries include community development, disaster response, and working for peace and social justice.
For more information, please visit worldrenew.net Resonate Global Missions, works to spread God's love on a local and global scale.
Our missionaries Gary and Galina Timmerman (Resonate Global Mission) grow church-based partnerships both in Canada and in the Baltic countries of Estonia and Latvia. Since May 2021, they have made their base in Canada, allowing Gary to take the lead in Resonate Canada's strategic focus to work at nurturing more multiethnic ministries around the CRC. With their long experience in serving among Russian-speakers, Gary and Galina are exploring ways for CRC churches to collaborate with immigrant communities in ways that welcome and embrace them, helping their faith communities to bring Christ's love and peace to Canada's newcomers. You can find a full summary of our ministry objectives at Resonate's website "Find a missionary" section. Currently, Resonate partners with churches, equips leaderships, and works to forge relationships with peoples of all cultures in North America. Globally, they work to plant new churches and develop ministries. Visit their website at www.resonateglobalmission.org to learn more. |
International MissionariesStephan Lutz
Stephan was born and grew up in Honduras where he attended an international school for elementary and high school. He later moved to Germany to continue his studies at the University of Kassel, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in “Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agriculture” and a Masters of Science Degree in “Ecological Agricultural/Third World Development."
Stephan is married to Alicia and they have two boys. |